Top Internet Law Developments of 2011
Also, Gibson & Company have until January 31st to respond to State Bar grievance issues.
By Eric GoldmanSee: Blog Post in full
Countdown: My Top 5 List of Developments in 2011
#5: Righthaven Implodes. Since the beginning, I've been skeptical of Righthaven's business model. Seriously, who else thinks it's a good idea to sue small-time mom-and-pop bloggers and non-profits on a one-by-one basis? However, even I had no idea that Righthaven would accelerate their own demise by routinely making basic litigation errors. A sketchy business model + a litigation shop that isn't very good at litigation = one dead start-up. It's always fun (in a bloodsporty way) to watch hubristic bullies get their just desserts, but watching the Randazza firm school the Righthaven litigators in Litigation 101 has been amazing. THAT'S how you litigate.
Also, Gibson & Company have until January 31st to respond to State Bar grievance issues.
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