Righthaven Seeks to Dismiss Suit over Posting of R-J Story
In moving to dismiss the Democratic Underground suit this week, attorneys for Righthaven noted one of the Nevada federal judges hearing Righthaven cases, Larry Hicks, last month dismissed one of the suits on fair use grounds -- a suit involving the unauthorized copying of eight sentences of a 30-sentence story by a Realty One Group agent.See: Article in full | View: Righthaven's Dismissal Motion
That ruling set no precedent for the other Nevada judges hearing Righthaven cases, but it was cited in Righthaven's motion to drop both the Democratic Underground case and the EFF's counterclaim in behalf of the Democratic Underground.
As part of their argument that attorneys’ fees are unwarranted, Righthaven promises in the same 26-page motion that it won’t file any more lawsuits unless the defendant has copied at least 75 percent of the text of an article that Righthaven owns the copyright to. Even though the partial-copying suits represent a small part of Righthaven’s overall campaign to make money off infringements of newspaper copyrights, those suits have engendered controversy.
"Despite what Righthaven claims, it's hard to interpret these lawsuits as anything else besides a way to bully Internet users into paying unnecessary settlements," EFF attorney Kurt Opsahl added. "At the same time, Righthaven is trying to discourage the practice of quoting and linking that is both essential to the interconnected Internet and helps drive significant traffic to newspapers online."