Righthaven LLC -- a bottom feeding legal outfit -- has teamed up with the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Denver Post to sue mom and pop websites, advocacy and public interest groups and forum board operators for copyright infringement. The strategy of Righthaven is to sue thousands of these website owners, who are primarily unfunded and will be forced to settle out of court.
Righthaven lawsuitsTo date Righthaven has been ordered to pay $323,138 in legal fees and sanctions.Righthaven lawsuits

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jonathan Fountain of Lewis and Roca LLP Explains Defenses in Recent Article

Jonathan Fountain is one of at least four Lewis and Roca attorneys in Las Vegas that have represented Righthaven defendants in litigation and settlements. Fountain recently wrote an opinion article that was published in Lexology.com, Las Vegas startup sues websites: copyright trolls and the rise of the internet police (registration required). Fountain discusses a variety of defenses, including: subject matter jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction, fair use, implied license the de minimis doctrine, champerty and barratry.
Some defendants have suggested the existence of an implied license because the Review-Journal posts its news stories on its webpage where they can be viewed for free, displays links that allow persons who view its articles to save, email, or print the articles, and also allows visitors to its site who view its articles to right-click and copy the articles when technical measures are available to prevent the articles from being copied. These defendants have also pointed out that the Review Journal does not post any terms or conditions on its website stating that copying articles is forbidden.
See: Article in full
See: Related Las Vegas Sun article

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